Where You Belong

Latest Sermon
Overjoyed Part 14 - The Joy of Generosity
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Kids Week

Kids Week, formally called VBS, is a FREE four-night event for children who have completed K-5th Grade. Kiddos are invited to hear about God’s love for them while worshiping Him, learning about how they can be involved in mission opportunities, and experiencing deeper community by building relationships with their peers.

Who We Are

Who We Are

Here at First Arnold, our mission is simple:

For God’s glory, First Arnold is about building God’s Kingdom through life-changing relationships that are biblical and relevant.

Our vision is made up of our 4G's:

We GATHER to worship and fellowship so we can GROW into the image of Jesus and GO make disciples of all nations for the GLORY of God.

First Arnold is a place where the whole family can have a great time worshipping God.  There are exciting ministries and activities for everyone in the family - all built on a solid, Bible preaching and teaching foundation that undergirds everything we do.